For Men Only

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Hello Men.  This is Innkeeper Peter.  You can call me Pete.

Ever watch The Red Green Show?  Such is the nature of this page.  Men, we’re all in this together.

Are you saddled with coming up with a nice outing for your significant other and don’t feel like putting any work into it?  I am here for you.  With one call, I can make all the arrangements, and all you have to do is show up and flash your credit card at the appropriate times. Click here for more details.  We’ve got the B&B, a wide range of restaurants, truly fun theater, Amish tours, shops even guys like, an amazing Art Center, and the Root River with its canoeing, kayaking, and great 60-mile bike trail.

Never been to a B&B before?  And/or are you gritting your teeth at the thought of staying at one?  Afraid you’ll be inundated with pillows and doilies and cucumber finger sandwiches and cups of honey lavender tea?  I can ease your fears.  The Scandinavian Inn doesn’t have pots of potpourri or cutesy-pie dolls or harpsichord music or attractive but awkward claw-foot tub/showers.  Instead we have restrained décor, great porches, an old wooden telephone booth, practical bathrooms, a guest room with a manually-operated dumb waiter, a genuine Civil War sword, and a fabulous gazebo above the roof – kind of like a widow’s walk – where you tower over the treetops and see the whole valley.  We’re tasteful enough to please your loved one and interesting enough to make you happy.  Sometimes I even need help with heavy lifting.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADon’t want to have breakfast with a bunch of strangers?  A couple of things about that:  First, it’s not really that bad.  Our guests are generally nice people who don’t spend the whole time talking about how wonderful their kids are.  And I’m there to make sure that the conversation quickly moves away from shopping for that perfect scarf.  No one has ever left our breakfast table hungry.  We always have an entrée, side dish, baked goods, meat, fresh fruit, coffee that is not weak, and we hand you a doggie bag if you want to take another muffin.  If you don’t feel like talking, there is plenty to eat.  Second, we have our Balcony Room, where breakfast is delivered directly into the room by a manual dumb waiter (and you get to operate it yourself).  Have breakfast in your bathrobe if you like.

Contact Us

701 Kenilworth Ave. S.
Lanesboro, MN 55949

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